Rep. Green Statement on Veterans Day

Date: Nov. 11, 2005
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans

Rep. Green Statement on Veterans Day
November 11, 2005

WASHINGTON - U.S. Rep. Mark Green ( R-Green Bay ) issued the following statement Friday in honor of Veterans Day.

"Today, America pays tribute to the generations of brave men and women who answered the call to serve in our nation's armed forces. As citizens of this great country, we have more rights and liberties than any other people on earth - freedoms that were made possible by the sacrifice of veterans. These courageous individuals put their lives on the line to preserve our way of life, and they deserve our utmost praise and thanks for their service. I look forward to joining all Americans in celebrating this national day of reverence, and praying for the safety of all our troops around the world who are carrying on the fight for freedom."
